The Rest Project, formed by Maria Florea, Lara Fernández and Daniel Claret, is an ensemble that talks about their concerns, mainly through music, but also using other elements such as text and movement. It is characterized by the shared creation of its concerts and by the limitless exploration in order to express what wants to be expressed.
The integration of the various disciplines by the three musicians gives the performers a different way of being on stage. The transmission of the artistic thought takes place through multiple channels, and the experience is lived as a whole unified journey. This integration, in addition, is transferred to the physical plane, and provides the group with a great adaptability to the spaces where it performs. Keeping its essence, for them, any house can be home.
The Rest Project
The Rest is Silence is the first artistic proposal of our group. It is a concert where music coexists with words and movement to talk about a state inherent to the human condition: solitude.
It combines music and texts from the 20th and 21st centuries with the Musical Offering by J.S.Bach, which acts as a beacon throughout this journey in which boundaries are blurred.
This constellation allows us to evoke solitude and at the same time to travel throught it, considering all forms of expression. This is our particular offering.
The Rest is Silence
Creative process
Our working process is based on experimentation. We start from an idea, a concept, which gives rise to a solid musical structure and opens up an imaginary where, inicially, everything is possible. The first thing we face is the music: we get to know it, we contextualize it, we start delving into it. After the music is introduced, we give way to the rest of the elements and make them advance together. We play with a selection of texts and observe the influence they have on us, how differently they resonate depending on the moment they are verbalized, and how they modify the perception of the music that surrounds them. And at the same time, we focus on the human most primitive form of expression: our own body. Body proprioception, walking at the same time, feeling our common pace, and perceiving ourselves together to become free to inhabit the space.
The aim of this preparation is to establish a context, based on listening, intuition and decision making, that allows the piece to reveal itself. And this is how, searching and researching, observing what doesn't work and deepening into what does make sense for us, the individual potential naturally unfolds and greatly contributes to the whole representation, to the creation of a world that we want to live in and at the same time send an invitation to the outside.
We want to express our greatest and sincere gratitude to the spaces we have been able to enjoy letting this magic happen: Mutte Convent Cultural (Pontós), Monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres (Les Masies de Roda) and El Monegal (Sant Llorenç de Morunys). The Rest is Silence is also a bit yours.